2 thoughts on “My book trailer for withering by sea

  1. I think Paige should read the gone series because it’s thrilling,exciting and lots of laughs.

    From Paige’s brother

  2. HELLO,
    I really like your post. I like your book trailer. I like your images for your book trailer. This is because it relates to you book trailer and it based on the topic.

    Next time you could add colour to your text. This will attact your reader to keep reading. The colour will make your post more interesting.

    Another tip is you could make the question bigger. This will alert the reader to respond. This will make you get more comments.

    The book that I recommend you is the Stupdendously Spectacular Spelling Bee. I recommend this book because you learn a lot of new word. This will help to expand you vocab.

    I also recommend this because it is about a girl who is a epic speller that is afraid to spell on stage.

    You should also read this because you will always be feeling different feeling thoughout the book. For example the girl has a brother who has asmtha and when he gets a flare up it can make you feel a bit nervous.

    I read this book a long time ago but I remembered how it was a real page turner. I finished reading it in two days since I enjoyed I was so hooked into the story.

    If you do end up reading this book and you enjoy it there is a second book. In the second book a mystery occurs. By the way I would love to know if you enjoyed the book.
    What do you think the mystery is?


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